A Canadian digital magazine sharing stories that inspire a true feeling of national togetherness.

We bring new change-makers, thoughts and ideas that observe the shifting cultural landscape in Canada to one platform. This magazine will include critical perspectives of our national identity, celebrate its arts, host honest conversations about its complex challenges, and share ideas that help shape the future of our diverse society. Our hope is that our stories will influence the global community to co-exist in love and harmony.

Newest brings together bold new voices representing our bold country. It features everything from frank discussions to commissioned digital art experiences.

This is Canada now, current and future.
A playground for inspired voices.

Thank you for your support.


Raji Kaur Aujla


Romila Barryman


Meghan Lindsay

Creative Director

Kunal Lodhia

Editorial Collective

Omolola Ajao

Robert Bolton

Meghan Lindsay

Community Manager

Jasmine Busuttil

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Newest is a proud recipient of funding from the Ontario Arts Council. We are grateful for their support.